Spotlight on Bruce!!
Bruce has been our main bull on the farm for the past few years. We bought Bruce from a farmer friend and I think he is seven or eight years old now. Bruce is a black angus breed and despite his crusty looking mug shot, he is a pretty friendly member of our herd.
One would think based on his rather large size that Bruce would be the leader around the farm but in reality, the cows are definitely the bosses.
Bruce has been pretty mopey the last few months because we have kept him away from the cows in the main herd. The reason for this is because cows are pregnant for 9 months before calving and we are trying to time it for spring calves. Bruce has been stuck hanging out with our grumpy pregnant cows (Jenny and Megan).
Anyways we just sent Bruce last week to rejoin the main herd and boy is he happy now!! Gotta love someone passionate about their job!!❤️🤣